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Posting to the blog:

Being a part of this challenge does not require you to post to this blog, however, we highly encourage everyone to post their daily photograph each and every day during the month of the challenge. This will inspire creativity in others and it will encourage you to complete the challenge! Don't think you can hack posting a photo every day? Try turning it into a weekly photography challenge. Even a little shared creativity can make a big difference!

Posting to this blog is done via email (do not text). Please contact us to receive the email address that you will need to send your photos to. Once you’ve received the correct address simply follow the directions below.

Step 1: Fill in the subject line of your email with your name and the number of the challenge day. For example: JOHN SMITH. DAY07 (or JANE DOE. WEEK01 for weekly posters). 

Step 2: Insert your photo into the body of the email and center it (or attach your photo for slightly better quality). More than one photo can be inserted if you like. The first picture in your email will appear as the cover photo for your post in the blog.

Step 3: Below your photos you can include a description of your image, i.e. process, camera details, content, etc. Center this description in the body of your email.

Step 4: Before clicking send, please delete any email signatures that you do not wish to appear in your post.

If you come across any issues posting your images to the blog (i.e. spelling errors, double posting, formatting, etc.) please contact the DDC team and we'll fix it right up.